机器学习:汤姆·迪特里奇(Tom Dietterich)的过去,现在和未来

beplay2网页登陆BigML首席科学家汤姆·迪特里奇(Tom Dietterich)教授gave one of the keynotes at the recent2mlevent在西班牙马德里举行。该活动是由咨询公司共同组织的Barrabésand BigML, and gathered an audience of 400 decision makers, technology professionals, and industry practitioners. Based on popular demand, we have posted on our YouTube channel the video recording of Dr. Dietterich’s presentation that covers the evolution of Machine Learning since its inception:

可以在BigML SlideShare page。在今天的机器学习challenges such as Automated Decision Making, Perceptual Tasks, and Anomaly Detection. It concludes with key future themes that will keep the discipline occupied for years to come: Detection and Correcting for Bias, Risk-sensitive Optimization, Explanation of Black Box System, Verification and Validation, and Integrating ML Components into larger software systems. Enjoy!

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